CBD Oil: Healing Without The High

CBD, otherwise known as Cannabidiol, has been growing in popularity in recent years and for good reason. Many patients admit to seeing a variety of medical benefits from taking cbd and unlike thc, which many might be familiar, cbd doesn’t offer the same high that is commonly associated with thc and so you get the benefits without the intoxication. There is a growing amount of research that’s been done on the potential benefits surrounding cbd and you can currently find many patients of different ages who are taking cbd to cope with one illness or another. Despite the popularity though there is still a great deal of confusion surrounding cbd and there have been recent crackdowns on cbd-infused edibles etc, as well as stories of different cbd shops being raided of their products for allegedly being in violation of federal rules surrounding cannabis.

The FDA and other lawmakers have expressed interest in moving forward with possibly making changes to allow for further legalization of cannabis and cbd, with all of the public interest that has been growing for these products. Many are eager to explore the possibilities, to see what potential healing might be found with access to thc, cbd, and more. But what is great about cbd is that it makes for a more popular entry-level product for those who might be nervous to try consuming cannabis because of the well-known intoxication effect that is associated with it, cbd doesn’t bring along that same high effect that you would feel. That makes it a more appealing product to younger users for example, parents might be more willing to try cbd than thc because it doesn’t include that intoxication.

It is believed that cbd offers a variety of medicinal benefits and has been used by patients who have been looking for some help to heal from things such as inflammation, spasms, anxiety, and pain. This is one market that continues to grow steadily as more people worldwide are growing interested in the potential healing benefits that cbd, thc, and cannabis in general have to offer.